Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    12:46 on Saturday, April 12, 2003          
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hahaha i love the clarinet. it`s my life and yes, my jazz band does allow clarinets, and i`m in it. but we also play trumpet parts.. oh well! i`m thinking about switching to tenor sax next year, just to get a range. i already play the clarinet, oboe, bass clarinet, and alto sax. and whoever said bass calrinet helps a lot with playing the clarinet was right!!
i`m gradnuating from high school this year and hoping to start a jazz band of my own... me playing clarinet of course!
-Ellen, PA

Kool Ellen    20:18 on Thursday, April 17, 2003          
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Ellen-you sound super kool.I play clarinet ,Alto sax ,piano,trumpet,
and flute.I Might learn Tenor too.


Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    21:21 on Friday, May 2, 2003          
(Alona AKA AJAX)
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No clarinets are allowed to join our high school jazz band. I`v have played the clarient for 6 years now when I was in Florida and always wanted to participate in a jazz band. But when I moved to Mississippi, you could not have any clarinets in the jazz band; you could try out with your clarinet, but you would (most-likley) have to play barry sax
So to me its realy sad when young people want to play the music that they love, but can`t play it with a certain instrument.

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    21:12 on Wednesday, May 7, 2003          
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Hey Whats up? I`m a high school sohpmore, and i have been playing clarinet for 6+ years now. Of course clarinets can play in jazz, but of course you must keep the number of musicians on a certain maximum, but that shouldn`t stop you. We have clarinets playing @ my high schools jazz band, and they sound GREAT!!! Tell your director that he/she is wrong... I mean really, if clarinets arent allowed to play in jazz bands.. then where did they get all the great musicians from??????? -Just think about it, hope i was of some help.

Yuma, Arizona 5/7/2003

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    20:32 on Thursday, May 8, 2003          
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I feel your pain clarintetists. My school wouldnt allow clarinets in the jazz bands, but then they got some dixieland and swing music, and everything change. If you can get a hold of Goodman`s version of Sing, Sing, Sing clarinet is the instrument.

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    14:57 on Tuesday, May 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

for ours if you pla base clarinet you can join. my teacher said i couldn`t join cause i playb flat clarinet.

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    18:16 on Tuesday, May 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

My school only lets clarinets into jazz band for special occasions. If the director wants to play a song with a clarinet, he will ask someone to play with them. He usually picks at least two a year. (I don`t play clarinet personally, but my best friend does.) So a few of my friends and I started our own dixieland band. The clarinets have the melody all the time (as well as the other instruments too). And it has been really fun to have our own band. It was challenging, but this way, you can play jazzy music without hassle. If you want suggestions on music for a dixie band or anything like that, e-mail me. Good luck!

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    22:48 on Tuesday, May 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

My schools jazz band does not have a clarinet spot. We have saxes, 3 altos, 2 tenors,and 2 baris. 5 trumpets. 5 trombones. 1 guitar, 1 bass, 1 piano, and 2 drummers. Everyonce in a while though my teacher comes up with a really cool song, but it has a clarinet part. That is where I come in handy. I am first chair saxaphone (I play the alto, but am first overall) Then on this song, I go over and play the clarinet part(I paly clarinet also, usually only in the concert band, I am first chair on that to)

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    20:08 on Thursday, May 22, 2003          
(spongebobs neighbor)
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My school does not allow clarinets in the jazz EVERYONE keeps saying look at Benny Goodman.My schools jazz band only has perc. ,trumpets ,alto and bar. sax and trombne,But my schools jazz band is the best in my State.

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    16:38 on Tuesday, June 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I wish my band director would wake up and smell the roses. Clarinets are every bit allowed in jazz band as sax. That is why I am doing my honors credit for band paper on whys clarinets should be in jazz ensemble!

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    19:23 on Tuesday, June 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

My school jazz band has about 10 clarinets in it. Without them the band would sound half as good. Go Mattawan Michigan!

Re: Does your school let Clarinets Join Jazz band??    23:28 on Wednesday, June 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

My school won`t let clarinets in the jazz band. I mean come on. Clarinets are jazz.

Clarinets in Jazz Band....    22:08 on Thursday, June 12, 2003          
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Ok- the traditional jazz band that will win you prizes at most state competitions if you`re good enough doesn`t include clarinet. Jazz bands with a good solo clarinetist is usually more advanced than the ones schools have. Too many clarinets is a problem too- in my opinion there should only be 1 [solo]clarinet, 2 altos[1 lead and 1 playing 2nd part and maybe a few minor solos], 1 tenor, 1 bari, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, a string bass, a drum set, and a jazz pianist.

clarinet solos....    01:45 on Friday, June 13, 2003          
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I gotta agree with Bradley.... you gotta have the instrumentation (although being a tenor player i would tend to include two tenors... and lead tenor should definately be termed the lead sax!!!)

The way i`d orchestrate it (where possible, of course) is :

3 altos
2 tenors
1 bari
4 trombones
5-6 trumpets
and a string bass... definately string bass!!! there is nothing better!!!

well, that`s just my thoughts... i can`t say i`m keen on clarinets in a jazz band... yes, for solos... but that`s all. In a school band, you`re very unlikely to have players who can acheive a jazz sound on clarinet... while it seems to work the other way for saxes. A jazz sound is easy... just hit wrong notes and slide up to the right one!!! it`s a piece of cake, trust me!!

Jen    06:11 on Friday, June 13, 2003          
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Hey jen, are jazz band is like the one you said but we have 2 trumpets and thats all we need, the ajudacator even told them to town it down a little.


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