How Long For A Good Sound?

How Long For A Good Sound?    00:46 on Thursday, June 23, 2005          
(Riki TheOboist)
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve heard that it takes around 5 years to get a good, beautiful sound the oboe is supposed to make, not the ducky sound... Is that true? Because I`ve been playing for 2 days and worked really hard and can play the lowest note, to around high D, sounds horrific though, but the other middle notes are starting to sound nicer than yesterday. It might be hard to believe that, but I don`t really think it would take around 5 years... what do you think?

Oh btw, sometimes I get a clarinet-ish sound... is there some way to prevent this? It comes out especially when I soak for a long time and the reed is really soft.

Re: How Long For A Good Sound?    10:19 on Thursday, June 23, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I would say 10 years of playing AND reedmaking

Re: How Long For A Good Sound?    11:24 on Thursday, June 23, 2005          
(Riki TheOboist)
Posted by Archived posts

You may have understood me wrong... I was trying ask how many years to get a decent sound, not to become a professional or anything.

Re: How Long For A Good Sound?    16:31 on Thursday, June 23, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

hey 5 years, thats nonsense
it depends on 2 things:
-how talented you are
-how hard you work
i`m playing for 2 years and going to begin studying it in september, there is no doubt i have not the best sound, but i think it`s ok.
for the last one year i have really worked hard.
if you practise for one hour a day, you will have a decent tone in one year!

Re: How Long For A Good Sound?    18:24 on Thursday, June 23, 2005          
(Riki TheOboist)
Posted by Archived posts

That`s great! Thank you, I appreciate that


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