Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    20:08 on Sunday, November 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

PRACTICE!!!! it`s always worked for me.

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    05:23 on Monday, November 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Candy? 7 months is long? is that a joke? ppl play instruments for like 20 yrs and i have for about 4

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    23:21 on Saturday, November 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

everyone`s gotta start somewhere....i think that it`s great people are on this board who have playing for all different lengths of time!

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    23:54 on Saturday, November 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hello everyone,

I`m just puttin this up in case anyone wants/needs help, or just wants to chat. I`ve been playing the oboe for 8 yrs now, so I`ve got experience. Many other people have contacted me so i hope all of you would AIM SN is Chrystie4067 and my email is if you`ve got any questions, I would love to try and help. I love the oboe its truly an amazing instrument!!


Help help!!    22:02 on Saturday, November 29, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi everyone well i really need help because i am just beggining the obeo and its really hard i can get a tone and everythign but once i get down to A and G, the two notes start to quver and almost between a lower octive and a higher one.. AND I CANT PLAY so i just need some help hopeullfy someone can reaply and give me some tips THANX zofia

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    13:45 on Friday, December 5, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I started the oboe 3 years ago. I am now only 12 years old and at a grade 7 standard. When i first started my teacher was a clarinetest which ment that i was told to hold my oboe down and to always breath through my nose so that i don`t have to take in as much air so that i don`t have to breath as much because i was only 9 when i first started. DON`T make that mistake. I have now got a private oboe teacher and i am now re-learning nearly all of my techniches(sorry about the spelling) which means holding my oboe up and always breathing through my mouth. It is really trickey so don`t make the same mistake as i did and learn to do things the prpoper way early rather than later.

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    02:41 on Saturday, December 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hello my name is Torrey. I live in California. I have played Oboe for 30 years. The best thing I can reccomend to do is th play with a French reed. I am sure you can find them on line now. Or go to France or the national conventions in the summer. I play in a small church orchestra and a string quartet. I tried to find someone to play in a Marriachi band but failed. I love to play at the Renn. faires. Have fun.

NO!    12:33 on Saturday, December 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Why would we play with a french reed in the states? Yes, in europe the nasal thin sound is popular, but here in the United states we use the long scrape because we prefer a darker, warmer sound. If we used a french reed we would be shooting ourselves in the foot, as everyone here would consider it a terrible sound. It`s just like if you used an American scrape reed in france... everyone would think the sound was dull and boring. Just the way it is. SO DO NOT USE A FRENCH REED. Thank you.

ss    14:28 on Sunday, December 14, 2003          
(Össur Ingi Jónsson)
Posted by Archived posts

The american sound isn`t so different. I think you are swirching the hungarian and french style.
The american warm and dark tone disappears at some distance. It may sound dark and warm to the oboe player itself or the ones sitting next to it but most of the audience dont hear it.

Re: begginer who needs as much help as she can get!    20:39 on Saturday, December 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

well when u breath u dont want 2 raise ur sholders, sholders down chest out

Lips    16:01 on Monday, August 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Ive been playing the oboe for 9 months now, and I have really bad trouble with my lips. I practice for an hour a day or more, but rarely can get through a song because my lips give up and like... die on me, how can I make them stronger so I can actually play through a peice without them unfurling and breaking the sound? My email is so please help

Don`t worry :)    16:16 on Monday, August 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

It`s just that you have to practise more and more

oboe    16:23 on Sunday, January 8, 2006          
Posted by Archived posts

hey, i have been playing for only like less than a month and i am in grade 9 but i have been asked to play with the seinior high band, b/c they dont have an oboe, and the music is really hard, e-mail me if you know any sites with oboe sheet music PLEASE


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