What kind of obeo should I be looking for for my college level boyfriend?

What kind of obeo should I be looking for for my college level boyfriend?    13:56 on Saturday, December 8, 2007          

(4 points)
Posted by ComradeWieben

I am personally a Bass Trombonist, I've played everything in the band and know enough about most instruments to go buy a decent one... except oboe. I tried oboe but I never got past the dying duck phase.

Anyway, my boyfriend played oboe throughout Middle and High School, played in honor symphonies, musicals and all kinds of good stuff. He is an incredibly humble person, and one of the few good things he will say about himself is that he was very good at oboe.

Because as he put it "life happened" he was forced to take this year off of school, he will be starting at the University in fall of '08. He is strongly considering doing music performance or education as a major, regardless of what he chooses, he could use the scholarship money playing oboe could provide to help him through school.

At the moment he does not have an oboe, but would love to get back into it, and if he can get one with a few months to practice before scholarship auditions at the University he might actually stand a chance.

I'm hoping to come up with something as a Christmas present for him. But unfortunately I am a college student working a crummy part time job, so I'm a bit tight on money, I can't afford to go out an buy a multi thousand dollar new oboe oboe. I am looking to rent or do some sort of rent to own scheme because I assume even a used oboe will be far out of my price range. But again... I know virtually nothing except oboe except that I'm terrible at it.

So my question for all of you, what sort of oboe should I be seeking out? And am I on the right track looking for a rent/rent to own oboe?

Thank you so much for your help!

Re: What kind of obeo should I be looking for for my college level boyfriend?    19:10 on Wednesday, April 30, 2008          

(18 points)
Posted by minuvera

Hmm... Personally on a budget, I would recommend a patricola student oboe. They are still going to run about 2500. I used to play on this instrument before I started at UNCC a few years ago. Now I play on the Patricola Evoluzione oboe. It has almost every key option, wood, silver plated keys, and an excellent bore design. It has wonderful intonation. Good luck with your shopping. I think www.wwbw.com or www.music123.com do the rent to own thing... or financing at least. Good luck.


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 Newer: The Trees and The Precious Day - A couple of new compositions for oboe - enjoy!

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