
oboe    04:10 on Sunday, September 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I kno that the oboe is a lot like the flute in fingering and the clarinet, but which one is it closer to? Or is it about the same?

Re: oboe    18:22 on Monday, September 29, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

It`s actually closest to the alto sax in terms of fingering. As far as construction, it`s closer to the clarinet. Same materials, same general mechanisms connecting the keys. But the oboe is octaval, meaning its bore gets thinner as it goes up. The clarinet is more like a paper-towel holder, one cylindrical width all the way up.


This forum: Older: Help on an oboe deal
 Newer: The Trees and The Precious Day - A couple of new compositions for oboe - enjoy!

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