Re: Oboe Problems!!!

Re: Oboe Problems!!!    07:53 on Friday, April 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts offense in saying this but i sumhow feel as if u`re havign an advertistment for the reeds.Well...the best reeds to choose among them is the medium soft ones...which will be more easy to blow....

Re: Oboe Problems!!!    09:10 on Friday, April 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been playing on my own plastic oboe for about 3 is just a student oboe so it wont reach certain notes. do you know anywhere where a GOOD professional oboe can be found for not too high a price???? I have been wanting one for a long time, but the only ones I ever find are a couple thousand dollars, and I realize that oboes are really expensive if you want super-good ones. But I will not be the one paying for it, my parents will, and so they don`t want to pay for a really expensive one! If you know any good places please email me or post a message!!!!

Candy what is your problem?    02:22 on Saturday, April 19, 2003          
(Adam Parnell)
Posted by Archived posts

excuse me candy, i`m have NO connection with the reed company i speak with, i make my own. DO NOT accuse me of such things. The reed is the foundation of the oboe, bad reed=bad sound. Just because i am saying how a company is good doesn`t mean i`m advertising anything. AND if you were to read the whole thing it discusses 3 major points, oboe, reed and player as covered by Anna. Please do not use this board to degrade the other posters

Sorry!!!!!    02:28 on Saturday, April 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m sorry.Didnt mean to accuse u or anything.I juz speak out wat i hav in mind.

Re: Oboe Problems!!!    00:24 on Saturday, May 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeah, every oboe has some weird problem, mine is that my A flat key always squeeks.

Re: Oboe Problems!!!    12:07 on Friday, June 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i`ve been playing the flute for 12 years and have recently started trying out the oboe. i`ve noticed that the notes below A often come out very bleety (like a goat). is there anything i can do to fix this problem or is this just a beginners issue?

Re: Oboe Problems!!!    14:49 on Monday, September 8, 2003          
(Dr Joss)
Posted by Archived posts

Help, I`m playing in Les Mis and all my reeds are crap. Don`t have any time to make new ones. Can anyone recommend a good store brand? And whether it should be soft, medium soft etc? Been playing for 11 years but on and off for the last 5 so out of touch. Cheers

playing low notes well on oboe    23:22 on Monday, December 29, 2003          
(Angela Gonzalez)
Posted by Archived posts

I play the oboe, and Iam learning some really tough 2-octave scales. My problem is they all start on a really low note. I can`t seem to play it right with out sqeeking!A little bit of tips would help.

reply    18:58 on Thursday, January 8, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Well try to extend your embouchure lower. I suggest blowing into the oboe with an "ahww." Also, keep the oboe closer to you rather than having it outward (better tone quality when closer).

Oboe Problems...    06:15 on Friday, January 9, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

well, it helps to play low notes for one thing if you have the oboe a bit farther extended from you than when you`re playing middle octave or higher notes. also, for scales, it helps you out starting when you take your breath and are ready to blow, but have your tongue against the reed so no sounds come out. just for a second. then let go your tongue, but control the air, and it should sound very nice. good luck

Oboe reed problem    17:55 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004          
(Janece Campbell)
Posted by Archived posts

Hi im recently bought an oboe reed and its too soft. I need something that will have a rich sound w/ my low notes. What can i do to fix this problem

oboe problems...    21:12 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

get a harder reed!

The [b] point [/b] of my post...    21:49 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004          
(Janece Campbell)
Posted by Archived posts

.....was should I clip the reed or scrape? I know its one of the two but I cant recall. I just spent 30 bucks on the reed and im not about to go throwing money around for a new one!

oboe keys    15:28 on Wednesday, June 2, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

does anyone know if the oboe has a speaker key/regester key ?

thank you

Re: Oboe Problems!!!    01:05 on Monday, June 7, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I must say, that even if I haven`t like really read the entire thing and what everone says, I`m going to reply to what someone named Jen said, about how it never being the player`s fault. Actually, most of the time, it IS the player`s fault. Although the oboe reeds are never quite perfect(In which nothing IS perfect in the world), some people(Myself included) cannot play on a certain reed whilst others can. My instructor has played on my reeds and made them sound like, well, true music you`d hear in like LOTR soundtracks. When I play them however, they squeak, and when I say squeak, I mean horribly(Just not as bad as our clarinetests*no offense*). My advice, store bought reeds actually DO work good sometimes, and if you use them, see what strength they are(Yes, oboe reeds have strength things). I, myself, play on medium soft. They actually do seem to get out the low notes quite easily sometimes. Also, I think one of the better brands is Jones, or something like that, for store bought. But don`t get me wrong, hand-made reeds are just as dandy. That`s my advice, so please don`t like mug me... Mind you, I`m not trying to be the Know-it-all, and I don`t want to, as I`ve been playing oboe for 4 years, flute for 5. I`m just giving my advice. I`m also just going into high school, so yeah, don`t judge me as one of those stuck up snobs that I so hate and dispise. That`s my advice to you, so yeah. Feel free to ignore, as does everyone else...


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