Re: Y do so many people hate the Oboe

Re: Y do so many people hate the Oboe    09:52 on Sunday, May 30, 2004          
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Some people think its ducky. It sonds like that fora aeverybody though. Its a hard instrument to play, especialy if you started flute first, and three years later, started the oboe.

Getting better    13:54 on Sunday, May 30, 2004          
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The oboe can be such a beautiful lyrical instrument. I would suggest to Mandy start working more on your vibrato if you have already started. The vibrato will help color your sound so you can beat that 5 month player out. PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! haha that always helps!

hi    14:14 on Wednesday, November 23, 2005          
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I play oboe but dont know how to get better plz email me help me out

Re: Y do so many people hate the Oboe    00:11 on Thursday, November 24, 2005          
(Tom Dawson)
Posted by Archived posts

The statement that the teacher doesn`t like Oboes reminded me;"There I was..."
We were tuning before a concert in the local city band. An older gentleman was going down the line with a tuner. When he got to me, I was a little sharp."Pull it out!", he said. I started to explain that the Oboe doesn`t tune that way. "Don`t tell me! I was a band director for 30 years and I know how to tune a band!" Ever since then I don`t argue, just pretend to move it some.
The point is if a band director doesn`t play the Oboe themselves, it is unlikely that they have a clue what they are talking about. Look how squirrelly it is for us that play it EVERY day, take lessons and really focus on it.
A band director is suppose to teach all the instruments and that is a really big job. Do they not like the Oboe or do they feel guilty that they are not as much help as they should be.
When we decide to be serious about the Oboe, we take on a finicky, difficult, high-maintenance and hauntingly beautiful instrument.
That is why there is such encouragement for a few hardy, talented, intrepid souls to take on the Oboe. The quality of a well-prepared player can make or break a group.
Hey, all these people that dislike they realise how often they actually hear one? When you are watching a movie or tv, a cool melody is very often played by an Oboe. They just don`t know what they are listening to!

Y peplz try 2 jone us    12:28 on Thursday, November 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I find that people love 2 hear oboes play at my school as long as its outside of the band sound and they can`t ever hear us play hardly neway. There are only 2 of us and its the 1st time we have had oboes at r school in a few yrs. I am a freshman and the other 1 is a sophmore. Vry1 loves making fun of us sometimes, but they all still love us. I play flute, pic., sax., clarinet, some piano, and some trumpet/cornet. I think that all instruments have there problems and jokes. Trumpets for instence have the I can do that faster and better attitude and aren`t afraid 2 say anything, saxs. r the worst instrument 4 not tongueing anything, pics. are 2 high pitched and always stick out, tubas are crazy and wild, etc. They might hate on us and make jokes, but everyone gets it at some time or another and whether or not they realize it. Newayz...I think people jone oboes and oboe players becuz we make ourselves easy targets and there aren`t many of us and everything. Hope this might contribute to making the conversation better and might help somebody out there.

Hope it gets better for all of u.
P.S.- If pepl havn`t realized it by now, oboes hav a better chance at havn` a musical career cuz we can be in a concert band or an orchestra. Oboes r also used in a lot more music u listen 2 on the radio than pepz realize.

hs    19:39 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005          
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It gets better in high school! Oh the Solos!

Re: Y do so many people hate the Oboe    18:06 on Thursday, December 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

well I know i dont i just switched from the clarinet and iabsolutely LOVE the oboe but i cant wait to switch back to the clarinet when i reach high school in the marching bandwell bye


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