Bb to F Trill

Bb to F Trill    13:23 on Monday, March 30, 2009          

(157 points)
Posted by AK42

So we are playing Robin Hood Prince of Tieves (Symphonic Suite) in band, and we have the following as part of our music. It goes faster than what is posted, but I couldn't find a way to change the tempo. It's also triplets in 4/4 rather than 6/8 but that's less important.

What I can't find a way to play cleanly is the f on the staff to the Bb just above trill. In the actual piece it's slurred, and I'm looking to see if anyone knows some alternate fingering that may work for this.


Actually, after listening to it outside the editor, it is about the right tempo. Ignore the last two eight notes as they are not in there, I put them there on accident. To be more clear, it is the second measure that is slurred/giving me difficulty.

Re: Bb to F Trill    16:03 on Monday, March 30, 2009          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

Try this:

Lock your whisper key down in the measure before, or in a convenient place prior to that measure. Then you can slur the F to Bb without frantic hopping around of the LH thumb. For the Bb use your normal fingering but add the C speaker or octave key.


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