Colored Trumpets

Colored Trumpets    22:33 on Sunday, July 13, 2008          

(1 point)
Posted by Celestialmortal

I've been playing trumpet for roughly 9 years now since starting in the 5th grade. I started with a Jupiter and now play a Bach. I've have many friends who also play trumpet but I have 2 friends who have colored lacquer on the outside of their trumpets. Perhaps you have also seen these. I've never liked them because it just made the trumpet look somewhat...unprofessional. I always thought that the gold or silver look on a trumpet gave it a nice look and that putting coloring onto a trumpet took away from it. What are your thoughts?

Re: Colored Trumpets    07:37 on Monday, July 14, 2008          


I think they really stick out of the ensemble, and can be a distracting visual aid. Not always, but sometimes trumpets with colored laquer (hope I spelled that right)aren't always the best quality, but mostly because they are more ofter made by the cheaper brands.
My friend got a pink trumpet and my band director has to fix it literally every other day, and my other teacher absolutely hates colored instruments. One girl got a blue piccolo, and he wouldn't let her play it in class.
Ok, enough from me.


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