Re: Any tips on clear sound for trumpet?

Re: Any tips on clear sound for trumpet?    17:19 on Sunday, October 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I just went to see Wynton Marsalis and he said in order to have a clear tone you must hold long tones very soft and hold them as even as you can without any bumps. you should start on the second line g and go down chromatially each note should be for a minute long

long tones    01:02 on Tuesday, October 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been playing my horn for almost three years and i just love hitting those high notes... I think that it`s true that if you do long tones and just keep your lips relaxed for a long time it will help out a lot. I also think that if you want to hit every note clean and perfect you should practice on attacks.

Re: Any tips on clear sound for trumpet?    15:54 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

if you push more air through it willhelp


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