A really stupid question by a newbie

A really stupid question by a newbie    00:45 on Friday, May 17, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I am a newbie at all kinds of music. I just started less than a year ago. I play the alto saxophone, but have been interested in composing since I started playing music. Here`s my question (brace yourself):

What are the ranges of the instruments? What I mean is how far can they play. I would like to know the range of woodwinds, strings, percussion, and brass. If you still dont know what Im saying, here`s an example: An alto saxophone can play an A sharp (two leger lines below) to an F (three leger lines and a space above) on the treble cleff.


Re: A really stupid question by a newbie    09:56 on Friday, May 17, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Nothing stupid about that question at all Jeorge. When I started writing music it took me a long time to learn all the ranges.
Just for you, here`s a page with all the ranges on :

I can recommend also recommend two books : Instrumentation/Orchestration by Blatter for thorough technical guides to instrumentation and orchestration

and Orchestration by Adler for excellent orchestration examples (with a CD)

Both are a bit pricey but invaluable if you`re serious about composing.

Good luck. I think it`s time 8notes.com had its own section for composers. Any one agree?

Re: A really stupid question by a newbie    22:58 on Friday, May 17, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Wow! Thanks David! I didnt expect an answer so fast.

And yes I do agree there should be a section on composers.

Re: A really stupid question by a newbie    01:40 on Sunday, May 19, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I play the tenor saxophone, but I`m only in my second year of playing it, and I weoild like to know how would one go about playing the High C, from the range for proffessionals, in the range chart? Would it just be a harmonic? The highest note that I was previously aware of was an F#...

Re: A really stupid question by a newbie    22:55 on Saturday, June 15, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

well i think on woodwinds you can only go up so high, but on brass you can go as high as you can play it.

Re: A really stupid question by a newbie    18:23 on Monday, June 17, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I play the flute and it`s tough but you can get really hi. But I recomend a flute for your hi music notes.


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