How do you learn a new song?

How do you learn a new song?    14:42 on Saturday, May 26, 2018          

(13 points)
Posted by ChrisSmithUK

Hi guys, I am an absolute beginner learning to play the Alto Sax. (I started 18 days ago). I have never played an instrument or read music before so this is all new to me! :-)
My question is... do you have a routine you go through when trying to learn a new song?
For example. Play it slowly while reading the music. Gradually improve your speed until you can play it without errors. Then try and play it from memory, one measure at a time...
What works best for you?

Re: How do you learn a new song?    18:53 on Wednesday, May 30, 2018          

(1 point)
Posted by kenv11

Until you get good at sight reading, what always worked for me was to play and hold each note. Once I am able to play every note correctly on the first try I go back and try to play them as written. Then after that you can add everything else.

Re: How do you learn a new song?    01:29 on Thursday, May 31, 2018          

(13 points)
Posted by ChrisSmithUK

Thanks Ken, I guess as I become more experienced, different things will work.


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