Oboe Issue

Oboe Issue    20:19 on Saturday, April 6, 2019          

(1 point)
Posted by aoboe22

I just recently started playing oboe a couple of months ago... Everything has been fine up till now, which is when I noticed my oboe will not play a high or low E natural note. It will play a higher register F natural when I'm playing in the lower register and when playing in the higher register the E just comes out as an F natural as well... I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this or what is causing it?

Re: Oboe Issue    19:53 on Tuesday, April 23, 2019          

(15 points)
Posted by pianowillbebach

Have you tried a different reed or adjusting embouchure?

Re: Oboe Issue    04:03 on Saturday, April 27, 2019          

(660 points)
Posted by Scotch

Re: "Have you tried a different reed or adjusting embouchure?"

Have you tried a different oboe or a different player? Have you tried asking someone whose moniker begins with the word piano?


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