Too late to start?

Too late to start?    06:12 on Friday, September 10, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi, I`m 30 years old and my greatest dream is to play in a symphonic orchestra. Is it too late for me to start learning how to play an instrument? If not, which instruments are the easiest? I have studied music but my major is singing

Re: Too late to start?    14:16 on Sunday, September 12, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


People have been telling me "its not too late to learn music"

BUt i know that i myself have never taken any music exams or any of that sort before. I am 17. i ahve not studied GCSE music or Alevel music. I only have 2-3 years experience of playing.

And yet, something tells me that you should be in the orchestra, the music industry is waiting for you.

Buthow can you joins the orchestra when you have no qualifications?

Thats when it hit me. I`ll just do my best and see what happens.

I have been criticised alot before, including my parents anda college lady.

She told me " you can forget about joining the Philarmonic orchestra" , as i told her that ive only pkayed piano for 9 months (at that time) and flute for 2 years.

That really hurt me alot.

BUt i am not giving up. Ever. All hope is not lost. Just go for it.

Re: Too late to start?    15:36 on Wednesday, September 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi Lilly.

Learn a string instrument - there`s more places for them in the orchestra. Consider the viola - perhaps a 15` one. it`s a gorgeous sounding instrument and melds into the middle of most pieces without the most taxing or exposed parts.

visit and click on "meet the players" and "Roger Dowling". He started as an adult and is now section leader of the second violins in what appears to be a very friendly, well attended and capable orchestra. It`s not really front or even back page music press news, but I`m sure there are lots of stories like that. I have seen threads in which teachers have said they prefer their adult students to some of the children because at least they want to learn, they practise, and they already start with some musical understanding. There are orchestras of every level, and I am sure there is one for you.

Re: Too late to start?    13:06 on Thursday, September 23, 2004          
(A rebal from nowhere)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Lily,
I reacon you should just go for it! Lifes to short to think about what your doing, just dive in and im sure youll kik ass in your orcheasta thingy

Re: Too late to start?    20:47 on Tuesday, October 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

It is never too late to begin to do something you enjoy. I am 39 and started playing Cello this year, and started playing ice hockey at 35. There are plenty of places to get lessons for adults.

I would get a beginning piano or piano theory book and get some music basics. Ask someone you know who can read music to explain the basics. Get an instrument and goof around on it for a week or two. Then start lessons. You can join a local amateur symphony in about a year possibly. It all depends.

YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF. It is COMPLETELY ridiculous to think you are too old. This is one of the most preposterous lies we are told. Oh yeah, we cannot learn another language either.... that is such bull!

check out a local community guild for instruction at


Re: Too late to start?    21:16 on Tuesday, October 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I wouldnt choose a string instrument, if you`re looking for something easy. Besides the violin and strings like that, an instrument may be easy for one and not by another. It`s all what`s best for you. I find the trumpet and guitar to be the hardest. Besides the violin. Drums, piano, and sax some easy to me.

Re: Too late to start?    12:51 on Monday, October 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

It`s never to late to start and my suggestion is pick three instruments you are interested in learning and go from there.

Now the symphonic band thing may be a little to late for because they usually look for college performance graduates to fill their ranks....or at least the ones where I am do...but you can always play in a community band like I is the same and it`s more fun.


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