Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment

Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    10:25 on Friday, April 25, 2003          
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I started playing Piano when i was 7 cos...well all my friends did, i also started playing Guitar a little while ago, i got into that from listening to the greatest guitarist of all time...Brian May of Queen.

Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    08:34 on Monday, April 28, 2003          
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I began to learn the piano because it is a good skill to have for future. I also play the drum kit, timpani and marimba and can play a few chords on the guitar!

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    03:20 on Thursday, June 19, 2003          
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Does anyone have the piano partiture for the Cavatina??? I`ve been looking for a long time, so if you do could you send it to my e-mail?

THANKS!!! for the one who`ll care!

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    19:55 on Thursday, June 19, 2003          
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I play bassoon and i decided in elementary school when i thought it looked cool!!! hahah kinda a funny reason!!! but now i play percussion cause you cant march bassoon in high school so i play in the pit and now i also bought a soprano sax of of ebay caus ei thought that looked cool too... and one more thing COOL LOOKING INSTRUMENTS ARE HARD!!!!

Why i play    20:41 on Thursday, June 19, 2003          
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I started playing the clarinet at school when I was 9 because I wanted to play music and it was the only instrument that hadn`t been sent away for repairs.

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    03:41 on Monday, June 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

because when u get to know thw piano it is fun then u ill find out the the piano is the best instrument u can play

am i right???

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    15:53 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003          
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Lessee...I started playing piano when I was 5 because my brother did. But flute...it had to be divine providence working there. I`m not sure why I wanted to play flute so badly, but I`m glad I did. It comes very naturally. I was meant for it.

why did you start playing the instrument/s...    10:58 on Wednesday, July 23, 2003          
(grandma bob)
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I played the recorder at primary school in assemblies and stuff, then i tried to do violin, but there weren`t enough places. i`ve had one of those mimi keyboard things since i was about 3, but just messed about. then last christmas i got a proper keyboard and am teaching myself that. at school i use the piano they have in the music room. i don`t know why i play, i just really enjoy the sound of it.

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    19:59 on Wednesday, July 23, 2003          
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I started playing the piano when I was about five or six, I think. My older sister had started taking lessons, so, being only five or six, I wanted to take lessons, too. I was a copycat. But I`m glad I was. I love playing the piano.

Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    14:31 on Monday, August 4, 2003          
(Clarinetist girl)
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I started playing clarinet 3 years ago when i was twelve. I started playing because the two twelfth graders in my school played them (the only two girls in a band of five) so I really liked the sound of the instrument, the look of it being played and I really wanted to play. I practically mentioned it to my parents and after a few months they decided to have me pay to rent it for six months (to see if i really wanted to play) and so I was stuck w/ a messed up plastic clarinet and after that my dad bought me a Buffet E-11. I still love to play the instrument although my busy school schedule doesn`t allow much practice time so i`m out of habit when it`s summer except for every once in a while just to squeeze in three thirty min. practices like required for band. lol.
I play in church too, really fun.
I also sing (alto) in choir at school, does that count? It`s always interesting. Definitely is helping me improve my ear. lol.

why? well.........i`m glad u asked!    16:04 on Sunday, August 10, 2003          
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I started playing clarinet because there was a concert at school with clarinets in it and i loved the sound it made. After that I got the thirst for music and carried on learning loads of instruments (saxophone, flute, piano, recorder, guitar, piccolo etc)

...    07:32 on Friday, August 15, 2003          
(gestiefelter Kater)
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I started playing Cello at the age of five. Then, when I was 14 years old I started playing E-Bass, because I wanted to do something new (but I still play Cello, too). And now, I`m 15 and I hope that I will start playing Double Bass soon.

...    07:35 on Friday, August 15, 2003          
(gestiefelter Kater)
Posted by Archived posts

Oh... sorry. I read "when"...!
I started playing Cello because my sister was playing violin an I wanted to have something bigger!

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    23:03 on Saturday, August 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

its actually kinda funny. i play flute cause i wanted for sum reason 2 b opposite of my closest sis who plays clarinet. she plays clarinet 2 b opposite of her closest older sis who plays flute. she played flute 2 b opposite from her closest older sis who plays clarinet. theres 5 of us 4 gs and 1 b, my brother doesnt play anthin and my sisters and i chose our instruments to differ the closest older sister. it sounds stupid and silly, but thats what we did. i also play tha piccolo cause i have an obsession for it, i luv it, i started playin the oboe for a while cause we needed 1 in band, then my teacher said she didnt want to give up her first flute so she gave it 2 sum1 else, i started tha piano cause we have 1 and i wanted 2 play it, but i didnt really like it that much so i stopped that as well

Re: Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment    23:05 on Saturday, August 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

oh yah i also started playin the violin cause it is a great talent 2 b able 2 play it and i wanted 2 p[lay it, then my sis broke tha string and it hasnt been replaced yet, mainly cause they r expensive and my parents dont have the time to buy 1


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