all-terrain marching band

all-terrain marching band    12:20 on Tuesday, May 30, 2006          

(206 points)
Posted by musicman

since our current blacktop practice field is being destroyed for a stupid softball field (the government made the school put it in-which is stupid) we have to march somewhere they gave us this idea to us a huge field at a elementary school...only problem is that the field isn't close to being the size of a regular field, and half of it is on a hill, and its all we had this discussing about the benfits and the downside of having grass as a pracitce field...mainly during band camp. From what they say its going to be really really wet in the morning since the my question is, does anyone have any advice to mention about haveing experence during band camp on a actual field?

Re: all-terrain marching band    14:23 on Tuesday, May 30, 2006          

(36 points)
Posted by n0tshort

LOL grass turf or pavement you say? I think that if you can march on an uneven slipery surface and look goo dimagine how good youll be on a nice smoth onle like a football playing field. Having marched some interesting football fields remember that football fields arnt level and alot of the time threr are mud holes and places that are torn up from kleats. "the harder the training the easier the final event." I think that is Mr Meogi ( not that im close to spelling it correctly)

Re: all-terrain marching band    16:34 on Tuesday, May 30, 2006          

(206 points)
Posted by musicman

oh yah...this field is a grass field that has been extensivally used by people younger than 12, soccer field, and a JFL team...and now a marching has holes in yah...its going to be oh so much fun...

Re: all-terrain marching band    22:04 on Thursday, June 8, 2006          

(13 points)
Posted by leenychops

hehe.. Our town band plays in our New Year's parade, and the year before last they had us right behind the pony club. We had to navigate around the horse dung! So fun. When marching on wet uneven grass, make sure your trousers aren't too long, your shoelaces are tied well, and lift your feet but put them down softly so if there's a hole you don't jar your ankle!


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