Re: Yes, the oldest question arises again

Re: Yes, the oldest question arises again    16:12 on Saturday, July 19, 2008          

(218 points)
Posted by Erik

You're right, it is asked a bunch. Next time, to save yourself some time, you can do a search to find those other threads where the same question was asked and answered.

Re: Yes, the oldest question arises again    19:18 on Saturday, July 19, 2008          

(457 points)
Posted by Steve

It takes some developing...
The major pitfall is for it to become involuntary and uncontrollable. Make sure the vibrato you are using is controlled, intentional, and in good musical taste.

Re: Yes, the oldest question arises again    19:33 on Saturday, July 19, 2008          

(457 points)
Posted by Steve

Man, this is really not something to try and learn over the internet. Do you not have a teacher you can ask in person?


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