suzuki training/material online?

suzuki training/material online?    13:05 on Sunday, June 3, 2007          

(4 points)
Posted by mu_mei

hello- as a complete beginner to the violin(i have had one lesson but am practicing every day) i have been reading about suzuki. I live in Barcelona and my Spanish is limited still, so to find a suzuki teacher here who speaks english too...! so I am wondering if there is any material online ..material eg music, pdf, e books, and mp3s of beginner music (this really interests me as it would be useful for practice)..any advice of sites or if anyone has any material they thankyou!:D


hi again - just read a post by jmuzic77 about suzuki books..!so far have looked on the web but unable to find any..sorry for repeating a post by the way..thanks for any help!:D

Re: suzuki training/material online?    01:47 on Tuesday, June 5, 2007          

(8 points)
Posted by princesita

Hi! I live in Madrid and I have been taking violin lessons for 2 1/2 years. I have used the Suzuki books from the very beginning, I am currently on book 4, but I also use other books for technique such as Flesh, Shradieck, etc... There are many violin teachers in Spain who speak English, you could try finding one of those. I highly suggest you find someone to help you learn. Any questions you have feel free to ask me.

Re: suzuki training/material online?    04:30 on Tuesday, June 5, 2007          

(4 points)
Posted by mu_mei

I have downloaded suzuki lesson 1 with the mp3 from the net, so I will have a look for the others that you suggested.I found a violin teacher who speaks English,but he is not Suzuki trained. I am going to show him the material and maybe we can use it. If anyone else reads this post and is a beginner and would like the first lesson I would be happy to email it to them!


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