
Violin    02:17 on Friday, September 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i got a violin about a yr ago and i was taching myself untill my sister broke one of the strings and we just got it fixed a few months ago, im not very good yet and I dont kno how good I could get by teraching myself. My band teacher is having a violin class once a week in the mornin, should i join. I dont wanna take it back adn forth to school because it is expensive and delacate and I dont get enough sleep so waking up early evn though its only one mornin will be hard, but it is a good oppurtunity to learn, so what do u think?

Re: Violin    04:57 on Friday, September 26, 2003          
(Martin Milner)
Posted by Archived posts

Hi Elsie,

Definitely make the effort and go.

There are so many things a teacher can help you with that you may not even realise need help, plus it`s such fun playing with other people.

I think it is possible to learn alone, but it`s going to be a lot more fun with a teacher, and you`ll make much quicker progress.

Re: Violin    18:21 on Friday, September 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

thanx for the advice, i really wanna go, but my mom doesnt want me to take the violin to school and well neither do i. I dont wanna break it or hurt it and its a delacate, expensive instrument and my mom bought it for me not thinking that i would play it at school, my flute she knew it was gonna go to school so i didnt feel like i wass gonna break it, but with the violin im not sure. But im still deciding. I know its a good oppurtunity, but I can learn on my own, not as well, but it masy be safer for it.

Re: Violin    04:41 on Saturday, September 27, 2003          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

Well, get a cheap instrument and take it to school. It will be well worth it.


Re: Violin    12:03 on Saturday, September 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I agree with Liz. Get a $40 one of ebay so you can play it at school and then you can play your nice one at home and practice.

Re: Violin    16:13 on Saturday, September 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

that might work

Re: Violin    19:34 on Tuesday, September 30, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

but even though its only $40, its still a waste of money and what would i do with another violin when this class is over, and i dont think that theyre goin got get very far, so i could just continue teaching myself,but i dunno yet, im probably not gonna go though.

Re: Violin    23:16 on Tuesday, September 30, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


Gee wizz what type of violin do you already have? If you didn`t bring your violin to school, how would you or anybody else ever learn?


The only people that have their instrument stolen are the ones that leave it in open space. When I was in high school, their was a tightly secure storage room that the instruments went in when the students were in their other classes. If your strings class doesn`t hold your violin in a secure room, then you should just always have it in your sight.

Re: Violin    23:32 on Tuesday, September 30, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


You act as if you are never going to put your Violin in a hard case. People break Basses, sometimes cellos but NEVER violins or violas. Do you know what the funny thing is about learning how to play the violin, they also usually teach you HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSTRUMENT AND BOW SO YOU WON`T BREAK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell that to you mom!

For instance:

1. Never hang your violin on the stand.
2. Never put your violin on the floor.
3. Always put your violin on your chair if you leave.
4. Or keep your violin in your lap.
5. It is safe to put your bow on the stand.

-If you really want to play the violin then YOU WILL go to school to learn FOR FREE how to play the violin! There`s lots of people that don`t even have schools with strings classes to learn at.

Re: Violin    05:06 on Wednesday, October 1, 2003          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

I agree, Sean, Elsie seems to be looking for reasons to justify not doing something she doesn`t want to do. If you don`t want to do it, Elsie, don`t do it. No-one`s forcing you.


Re: Violin    21:52 on Friday, October 3, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

but i do want to, but i dont, but i do, but i dont,but i do, but im not gonna anyway
thanx every1 who answered

Re: Violin    02:11 on Saturday, October 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


Re: Violin    20:00 on Saturday, October 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

no, im not

Re: Violin    14:00 on Monday, December 8, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

how odd

Re: Violin    09:03 on Tuesday, December 9, 2003          
(Martin Milner)
Posted by Archived posts

Sean, I read on another forum about a person having a very expensive bow broken because they had left it on the stand and it got knocked off, so I wouldn`t recommend this, it`s safe 99% of the time, but...

Elsie, sorry to hear you`ve decided not to take the class, Sean`s right, you have to take the minimal risk of damage to your instrument if you want to learn.


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