Beginning Violin

Beginning Violin    17:49 on Tuesday, October 29, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Hello everyone. I am currently 14 years of age. I have desired to play the violin for quite some time now, but my parents are doubting my success at this age. Can someone with an extensive knowledge on this instrument tell me if they would recommend my starting to play? Thanks for your time.

Re: Beginning Violin    18:05 on Tuesday, October 29, 2002          
(Paul Lee)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Jake...

You`re not to late to start playing the violin believe me...although I started when I was 7. Do you like classical music or do you prefer country etc.?

I play classical so I could steer you in that area and I could recommend classical starting books and a format that has worked for me on getting familiar with the notes and where they are located on the violin, there are no frets like on a guitar.

Also I recommend going to the local violin repair shop in your area and ask who is the best violin teacher in your area and they usually will give you two or three names to seek out. My lessons are very expensive about $40.00 per lesson. But well worth it because I take from a Julliard Graduate who has a bachelors degree from them. So I am getting great instruction. You have to be aware of how to hold the violin, how to hold the bow properly, and keeping your arm straight at all times when bowing straight over the strings.

So that`s probably where I`d say to start go to your nearest violin repair shop from there call the teachers and find out what there rate is.

Violins aren`t cheap unless you`re lucky to inherit one of good quality or buy one. I recommend buying a cheap one to find out if you have the talent to persue it then you haven`t spent alot of money. When you become advanced you will want to graduate up to a better violin and they run from $1000.00 to $500,000 to a Million for a Strad, one of the finest violins made in the world.Itzak Perlman plays a Strad it`s worth 20 Million and one of a kind.

Good luck on your playing and remember playing the violin takes a whole life time if this something you want to do. Focus on the music and dedication to your playing and learn to read music most important.

Take music in school.

Feel Free to write back Jake.
and remember, Practice Practice Practice, That`s what Jascha Heifitz said one the Greatest violinist who ever lived.

Paul Lee

Re: Beginning Violin    18:28 on Tuesday, October 29, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Thanks for the information. I prefer Celtic music; it`s what got me interested into playing the violin (well, its fiddle music, but it can be played on says my orchestra teacher =\). I like classical music more than any other kind as well.

Re: Beginning Violin    03:34 on Wednesday, October 30, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

hey jake!
don`t you dare let anyone discourage you from playing the violin... you may be fourteen.. guess how old iam??? i`m already 17 yrs. old... i started playing the violin when i was about to turn 16... and i`m still hanging on... it`s better late than never...
as long you love it, then nothing will keep you from living it.
good luck!

Re: Beginning Violin    02:18 on Saturday, November 16, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I thought I was old for my age when i joined this orchestra cos there were all these kiidies but theyre kinda better than me. Im 13 and have been playing for 5 yrs now and in 3rd grade. Dont let age stop you though. As long as u dont join anything with other pplz u wont feel embarassed and it doesnt matter wat age u start really. As long as you practice practice and practice. Then youll be as just as good as sumone who started in kindigarten.

Re: Beginning Violin    21:54 on Monday, November 18, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Jake.I really think you can have success with the violin.It is not a very hard instrument to learn to play.I am 13,and I started this summer, and I am doing pretty good. Once you the notes it is pretty easy. Would you like to play classical or country? I recommend country becase it is funner to play than classical. Once I learned the notes I could play a lot of songs by ear.
I really hope you decide to play the violin. It is fun and easy.

Re: Beginning Violin    19:50 on Sunday, November 24, 2002          
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I wouldn`t worry about your age, in my opinion 14 is a great age to start anyway. I began when I was 7, but back then I really didn`t want to practise much because I didn`t have the patience. Another good thing about starting now is that you can begin on a full size violin, if you were about 11 or 12 you`d need a 3/4 size, and they don`t sound as nice. The violin is the most rewarding of all the instruments I play I think, it`s a little harder to get a decent sound from one, especially when you`re starting off, but when you do manage it`s great, so hang in there!

Re: Beginning Violin    22:41 on Tuesday, November 26, 2002          
(stephanie mole`)
Posted by Archived posts

Hello Jake I`ve been playing the violin for three years now and I`m fifteen. The truth is that I know and am currently helping seniors who want to learn and are doing this through tapes. When you are older you tend to pick it up more quickly. I was able to get through two method books in less than a year and a half and I am now able to play clever pieces and beautiful ensambles. My advice to you is don`t let something like your age stop you that is one of the worst excuses I have ever heard and don`t be intimidated by 9 year olds who can play vivaldi while you`re still playing twinkle twinkle you`ll learn it just takes a lot of practice and dedication. Well good luck and I hope your parents let you make the right decision.
And if your interested they even make electric violins and I want one they are so awesome
A fellow violinist

Re: Beginning Violin    21:50 on Monday, December 2, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Don`t worry, a friend of mine started violin at age 13. She graduated high school early to go to music school. This is her 4th year playing the violin and she studies with one of the best teachers in the Philadelphia area.
If you are serious about being successful, you must find a really good teacher to start off with. The difference between a good teacher and a mediocre teacher is worlds apart. I suggest you ask the good violinists at school who they recommend. Often times a good teacher will be recommended many times. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Re: Beginning Violin    19:42 on Thursday, December 5, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Well, Jake, I`m 53 and just starting to learn to play the violin. I`ve wanted to learn for a long time and just decided it was time. So from my viewpoint, you`re starting really young! And what is "success"? My brother started playing the hammered dulcimer about five years ago, and he`s now regularly playing with groups. You like Celtic music? There are groups who play that as well, and once you learn to play, they won`t care what age you are--heck, you might be the youngest person in a group for years!

If your parents are balking at the expenses, perhaps your school has a music program or could arrange a loan or rental instrument? Or you could work out a deal with your parents, like extra chores in exchange for lessons. Plus, I`d suggest pointing out to them that there are a lot worse things you could be heading towards at your age.

And, really, there`s always going to be someone who is better (unless you turn out to be absolutely brilliant), so don`t worry about what others, whether older or younger, are doing. It`s your life. Anything that makes it better--and music does--is good. Never ever let others tell you it`s too late to start doing something you know you would love. Get started and enjoy!

Re: Beginning Violin    18:32 on Friday, December 13, 2002          
(Alec Wallis)
Posted by Archived posts

Yes. I am at the age of 12 and have been playing for 4 years.It helps when you`re young to start playing because when you are older, you will get more distracted vs. when you are young you have more concentration on the violin.

Re: Beginning Violin    19:23 on Friday, December 13, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

If your parents are doubting your succuss at playing the violin, then they are also telling you that you won`t be successfull at doing anything else either. Because learning how to play an instrument is a lot easier than learning Math, Science, Social Studies and just about any other school subject. No one is too young or old to play an instrument like the violin. Personally, I can`t stand when someone tells me I am not smart enough to do something, if I think I`m smart enough to do something Then I will do it!

I recommend that you play the violin if you want. {:-)

Re: Beginning Violin    16:54 on Saturday, December 14, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Go for it, Jake!

Re: Beginning Violin    19:52 on Friday, January 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Man, I can`t believe a parent NOT wanting their child to learn to play an instrument. I encourage (not push) my children to at least explore the possibilities. Go for it man, Like the previous post suggested, I agree., maybe some extra chores might get them to agree.
All good things,


Re: Beginning Violin    22:00 on Tuesday, January 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hmmm... it`s never too late to start playing and master an instrument. Supposedly, children are faster learning because of imprinting and such, but adults have a maturity and intuitive spirit that flies well beyond a child`s... I began playing flute when I was 11 and eventually picked up piccolo (of course) but also saxophone. I`m 21 now and I just started violin but from the beginning, I had an ear and experience with music so there is none of that horrible screeching that children pull through.

But I do have one question for anyone who would like to help. Is there a method I can use to find note positions across the violin`s fingerboard? I mean, I can tell when it sounds wrong and right, but where EXACTLY are they? It`s better to learn now than recorrect it later.

No, I don`t have a teacher yet, but I`ve had a lot of good advice and my soul is music.

Maybe that`s why it doesn`t matter what age you start at...

Also, if you wish to reply to me, please e-mail; we can talk or you can give me some tips on my "new baby", whatever. I can help too! WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!



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