Re: Fear of shifting- beginners

Re: Fear of shifting- beginners    09:27 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
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anything above 7th position is really just trivial. If you`re really trying to play those extremely high notes, why not just play artifical harmonics? Take the Tchaikovsky Concerto for example: In the third movement, there is a rendition of the melody that is EXTREMELY high. My copy of the music says to play it using artifical harmonics (it gives you a root note, and then another note where the harmonic should be created). I`ve tried playing it in eleventh position, and it just doesn`t work. If you sway your body, the note changes.

I can understand applications where it might be necessary to play in 11th position, but they are few and far between. It`s cool being able to go into an audition and playing a 4 octave scale, but really thats not in the "practical" range of the instrument.

5-7th positions are way more than enough to show off in, if you know your stuff

That`s true    19:14 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
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CS: you are absolutely right, but I am still getting comfortable with harmonics. ( I wouldn`t mind playing the Tchaikovsky concerto, but I think I`ll wait until I get an E string.)

harmonics    23:55 on Wednesday, February 18, 2004          
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Probably an E string would help
I`m just getting comfortable with artificial harmonics too, and now I really see why they will be usefull-so much easier than 11th position! How long have you played artificial harmonics Rachel? Did you learn them quickly? For me at first it was kind of hard to find them, and they were a little scratchy, but after a couple of weeks they all of a sudden started to come out clear I think they`re so fun

Harmonics    19:18 on Thursday, February 19, 2004          
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I`ve only been doing them for a couple of weeks- most of them were pretty clear after a couple of days. There are still some that I`m unsure of, though, but they are getting better. There is this cool exercise in the AMEB Technical Workbook that uses them (Grade 7) which I have almost got the idea of.

harmonics    19:03 on Friday, February 20, 2004          
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I have a grade 7 book with them in it too (I`m not sure if its AMEB), but its just a scale in one octave. I`ve played them in a few pieces too but not that much. Is the exercise you are playing a scale, or a study or what? Thats neat that you got them after only a couple days, I think that mine improved the most when I bought a new bow (before I just had a fiberglass one) Everything sounds clearer now.

hey    20:18 on Friday, February 20, 2004          
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I`ve never heard of 11th position before. I bet it`s so high up the strings that you even pass the board.

qwerty    21:18 on Friday, February 20, 2004          
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CS: It is a very small piece of a tune. It sounds really cool.
Anonymous: 11th position is still on the fingerboard, but it is pretty close to the end of it.

-    14:02 on Sunday, February 22, 2004          
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If the fingerboard extended all the way to the bridge, one could, in theory, play to the infinitieth position.

Re: Fear of shifting- beginners    23:14 on Friday, February 27, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

well, in my opinion it counts when you are actually playing it in a piece so props to you if you have. i`ve gotten past 11th, but when i do, i don`t think about it, I follow the notes without it occuring to me what position i`m in when i get past 5th or 7th. Besides you don`t have time to think that hard when you`re playing fast! Boy was i suprised when we actually counted!!!

By the way, I don`t really like playing thathigh, i do it only when necessary, otherwise i stay in 1-7th. much more comfortable and better tone. You spend more time on how the piece feels, than the technical stuff.

Qwerty    00:30 on Saturday, February 28, 2004          
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Yes, I was surprised when I counted. I don`t think about positions at all- it just confuses me.
The person who I love just got engaged to his girlfriend.

wow    15:08 on Saturday, February 28, 2004          
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wow you must be some crazy quick learner to be playing repertoire with 11th postion in less than your first year! I DEFINITELY wasn`t able togo past 3rd my first year. That`s cool. Keep playing it could take you places!

Re: Fear of shifting- beginners    07:57 on Sunday, March 7, 2004          
(whomeva u feel)
Posted by Archived posts

Hmmmm....we what symphony do you play with....the london philharmonic? seem to be lying on your positions and i suspect that your self esteem needs a boost
-best o luck

Re: Fear of shifting- beginners    07:59 on Sunday, March 7, 2004          
(whomeva u feel)
Posted by Archived posts

hmmmm....well what symphony do you play with....the london philharmonic....i suspect, based on the jumpy and egotistical comments that u are lying about your positions....
-have a nice day

Get stuffed    18:08 on Monday, March 8, 2004          
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I am not lying. There is nothing scary about 11th position. It is no farther than putting your hand from the computer keyboard to the mouse. You have to bear in mind that the violin is not my first instrument. I`ve played the clarinet for 11 years, so I do have a good musical knowledge. And it isn`t as though I was saying that I was perfect. Would it make you happy if I mentioning that I was struggling with vibrato and that my double stops are VERY rusty?
I don`t appreciate being called a liar when I put all the work in on my scales etc to get to where I am now.

on the 11th position...    20:52 on Thursday, March 10, 2005          
(Franz Liszt)
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I can play in the 11th too, especially if I use my fingernails and slip into a trance. :-)

Actually the notes will get me into a trance whether I want it or not.


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