violin maintainance

violin maintainance    16:58 on Friday, February 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

It seems that maintaining the violin is alot of work. Can anyone point me to any websites or resources that tell me how to maintain the violin? Or just how to look and tell its time to bring it in the store for repair/restring/whatever.

Re: violin maintainance    17:01 on Saturday, March 8, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Strings if nylon need change when they don`t tune very well, if steel then change when you can`t perfectly tune them anymore. Some people rehair every year, however, best to rehair when it`s either thinning or, you realise you have to put on too much rosin.
Check you bridge it can warp, hold the violin horizontly and at eye level, is it bending forward or backward. if it is slightly you can bend it back, but if too serious, don`t try.
Clean your violin, buy polish and cleaner keep the rosin from sticking permanantly on your violin by cleaning every fortnight.
Your bow can actually warp, check it length ways that its still straight.
If in doubt go to music shop!


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