Re: people dislike viola players, i just found out!!!

Re: people dislike viola players, i just found out!!!    22:54 on Monday, September 20, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

stevo, sorrie dude but you`re the reason why this post is here.

*sigh*    23:04 on Monday, September 20, 2004          
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But... but.... I`m a nice person! and I play viola! I`m not big-headed! I`m generous! and loving! Darn it!

one second here!    15:08 on Friday, October 22, 2004          
(Viola Learnerr)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey! I`m learning the viola, and I`m not stuck up. Plus, I don`t see why violists get such a bad rap anyway.

hmm violists...    16:41 on Friday, October 22, 2004          
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Many of the best violists are ex-violinists anyways. So realize what you`re hating...

In my experiences violists are often lazy... that could just be my luck though. I don`t think it is though, violists always get like no melody for a long long time, so when they finally do its hard to get motivated.

who knows, theres good violists out there. Im planning on learning viola sometime, but that requires money. As of now ill improve my violin skills.

Re: people dislike viola players, i just found out!!!    17:34 on Friday, October 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

OK everyone, I`m sorry. I`ll admit it. I have been very arrogant. The problem is, I play viola about as well as Britney Spears sings. I once had somebody call the police on me while I was practicing, because they thought they heard a dying cat, and reported me for animal abuse.

I have tried to act like I`m the best person here, but obviously, that`s not true. I really am sorry, and apologize to Pachelbel, and the many others on the other thread who I have annoyed. Piano is a terrific instrument, I just can`t play it.

In fact, I wouldn`t even go as far as to say that I play the viola.

We dont hate violas    08:10 on Sunday, October 24, 2004          
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i dont think everyone hates violas.. i know some very nice viola players ( even though i am a violinist).
its true lots of violists are ex-violinists, but i think they just didnt find their `right` instrument the first time round

...    17:00 on Friday, November 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I guess it`s true... Everyone hates me...

Re: people dislike viola players, i just found out!!!    17:50 on Friday, November 5, 2004          
(Dwight Listmayer)
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And your point is??? Strat Man Dwight

whoa    10:58 on Saturday, November 13, 2004          
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Whoa, Stevo actually admits how stupid he is....

viola    19:54 on Saturday, November 13, 2004          
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the orchestra wood sound empty w.o. the viola. even tho we always dont play the melody, how wood n orchestra go on w.o. harmonys or w.e. u callm things that r the background

I love viola players    11:17 on Sunday, November 14, 2004          
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I am a viola player, and I`m not snobby!!!!! : P

Re: people dislike viola players, i just found out!!!    19:57 on Monday, November 15, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I play the viola and I`m not the least bit obnoxious or arrogant. Actually I am pretty down to earth and very independant. I chose the viola because it is different and not many people know how important it really is to an orchestra.


!    21:57 on Saturday, November 20, 2004          
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Everyone, read Stevo`s post.

Re: people dislike viola players, i just found out!!!    02:03 on Sunday, November 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I am offended!

btw, I play viola AND violin - and stringed instruments RULE!!! (just to clear that up with the woodwind instruments - ew, btw, who could possibly play the clarinet WILLINGLY? A reed, and spit dripping out the end! yum yum...)

My friend, who is, incidentally, a flautist, thinks that viola and violin players dribble, because they have to put themselves into a trance so they can bear the sound of their instruments, but I think she was just jealous

So for all you viola-haters out there - all I can say is that I pity you that you have to be so jealous - so the viola rejected you, maybe you will be able to find love in your own instruments...

Clarinet is my main instrument    19:48 on Sunday, November 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

It`s not spit, you moron, it`s condensation.


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