Viola or Cello?

Viola or Cello?    03:49 on Wednesday, November 3, 2004          
(Poison Ivy)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey. I`ve been playing the piano for like 10 years, and I`m thinking of taking up a string instrument. So far I`m thinking of either the viola or cello. Because i want something that`s different.

Can anyone help me? Which one do you think would be better? considering sound and the clefs...

Suggestions please?


Re: Viola or Cello?    01:35 on Thursday, November 4, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

the `cello uses bass and tenor clefs, the viola alto and treble clefs. Either way you`re going to have to learn one new clef.
I swiched half a year ago from a keyboard instrument to the viola. It was difficult at first learning a new clef... but as long as I remembered "the middle line is middle C" I had no problems. Also there are far less notes... only one note at a time ( more later on, but even then only two or three at most ), which makes it much easier.


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