Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?

Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    12:51 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m buying a Standard Fender Stratocaster soon and want to know the pros and cons of the rosewood and maple finger/fretboards. Which is better? They both cost the same but it is one prefered to the other and does it make much difference to the sound?

Re: Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    19:09 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
(guitar know it all)
Posted by Archived posts

the maplewood is usually better to burn upon discovering how crap a guitar player u are

Re: Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    15:40 on Tuesday, September 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

The sounds you can get from rosewood or maple fretboards do differ. Rosewood necks give you a richer slightly deeper sound and maple will give u a bright ringy sound. My personal preference is maple for looks and sound, but personal preference is key. You choose, good luck and don`t listen to that other guy!!!

Re: Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    11:06 on Monday, February 23, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

dont listen to guitar know it all..aahahahaa...i would get a fender standard stratocaster in arctic white and maple..looks beautiful..and plays well...i recommend u to change your pickups to Seymour Duncan`s SSL-1...i prefer that...but its up to you...goodluck...

Re: Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    03:33 on Tuesday, February 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Foxy is right about the tone. They feel different too. The maple is usually smoother and the rosewood lets you dig in a little more. I have guitars with both for different sounds.

It also matters what kind of wood the body is made out of. Poplar is lighter and brighter than alder, so if you put a maple neck on it, it is really bright. Swamp ash has a more open sound than the warmer alder. I have a swamp ash/maple neck tele that`s really nice for a twangy, punchy sound though I can dial in some sweeter, brighter tones with it. I also have an alder/rosewood Pacifica that is warmer and allows for more variety of tone. It`s really a package deal, so you need to consider both the body and neck together.

Your best bet is to try out a bunch until you find the one that just wants to come home with you. Yeah, it`s not the easy answer, but if you`re gonna plunk down a chunk of change, it`s better to take the time to find one that fits.

I know a lot of people, myself included, who went to the store to buy one thing, but really didn`t like it and ended up finding something better they hadn`t even considered.

Start looking now. If you find a salesman who is really helpful and spends a lot of time answering questions and letting you try things out, then go back and buy it from him when you are ready. Don`t forget to get several cards, because salesman will start giving you deals if you give them repeat business and recommend them to all your friends.

Re: Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    03:38 on Tuesday, February 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Oops! I forgot you said "Standard" Strat when I was writing the post. Currently, the standard is being made with alder body, a good solid wood. So you just to decide if you like brighter or warmer.

I would still recommend trying them out though or at least playing all of your friend`s guitars to see what you like before you order online.

Re: Help!Should I get a rosewood or maple fretboard?!?    22:11 on Thursday, April 15, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I have one of each, try that lol. If one one though, id go with maple. I scallop the board myself afterward which gives the neck a totally different sound. I perfer scalloped because It allows for greated control espcially on solos


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