Is It Disrespectful?

Is It Disrespectful?    18:00 on Friday, August 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey everyone
I have done 3 exams (3, 5, and 7) with The Royal Conservatory of Music of Canada, as well as participated in three classes of the local Kiwanis Music Festival and performed in my music school`s recitals. I wear shoes to these events (who doesn`t?), but when I play pieces that require the pedal, I like to take off my right shoe (pedal foot) so that I can feel the pedal and not risk my foot slipping off or missing it completely when I play. Is this disrepectful to the adjudicator and/or audience? At Kiwanis, I have seen a few other people do this (including myself), but most leave their shoes on - which I know is probably the "right" way of doing it. I would rather play my piece well instead of working about whether or not my foot might slip off the pedal (it has happened before, especially on new pianos that I have never played on before).

I would greatly appreciate if you could let me know where you stand on this topic.


Re: Is It Disrespectful?    21:11 on Friday, August 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I live in the USA so I`m not familiar with the Kiwanis competitions, but generally, I think it is a good idea to keep your shoes on when you play. Here in the US, I have done a decent(I think) amount of competing, and I have never seen a player play without his/her shoes. Also, I use the same few pairs of shoes to compete, so I am familiar with them and do not lose my grip on the pedals anymore. Practice using the pedals with your performance shoes on at home, first.

Re: Is It Disrespectful?    21:14 on Friday, August 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Oh, and btw, the material that is used for pedals is generally the same, thought the shape of the pedal can vary.. However, I think what`s giving you more difficulties with slipping might be the floor that the heel of your shoe pushes on, rather than the pedal. I know that I have slipped off the pedal because the floor beneath was so waxy and slippery! Maybe attaching a rubber adhesive or something like that to the heel of your shoe may keep you from slipping. At one competition, I had to improvise and stuck a Bandaid under my shoe!

Re: Is It Disrespectful?    23:26 on Friday, August 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

By slipping off, I mean it lands on the pedal but it`s too far off to the side, and therefore I`m only pressing down on the side and the pedal doesn`t like it when I do that.

I think my problem may be in my shoes. I wear a really thick, rubber-y pair of heels. If I had a thinner pair, I might be able to "feel" the pedal better.

Your idea of a rubber adhesive sounds good though - I`ll definitely have to look into it!

Thanks for the reply!


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