
Help!    02:58 on Friday, April 27, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by Pastorius

I'm in trouble. Real trouble. Until very recently, I loved music, but never considered going to music school, but now for some reason I've changed my mind. Thing is though, I want to play the piano - it would help so much with composing, theory, and suddenly seems like such a beautiful instrument to me. I've played the electric bass for about two and a half years now, and I've gotten pretty good (though I can't read sheet music for the life of me). I've considered switching to double-bass, but I don't know...

Anyway, I'm eighteen and I'm graduating this semester. I've already applied to universities and have already been offered a 1000 dollar scholarship. I WOULD BE studying in the humanities. Thing is, music college seems so much more appealing to me right now, it's scary. My recent interest in classical music scares the bejeezus out of me. It's just never happened before, I mean I've always enjoyed classical music, but not to this degree.

So I'm considering taking 3 years off and studying piano non-stop back at home. I have never played the piano before, so it would be tough. My grandmother is a masterclass classical pianist, so she could probably help instruct me (by at least finding me a good teacher - she knows the best). I'm thinking of just immersing myself in it for about 10h a day every day. For three years. How much would I grow in that time? Sure, it's a ridiculous question (I can see it as well as anybody, after all I play an instrument too). But I'm wondering, is it enough to become proficient enough to even be CONSIDERED for music college? At the level I'm at right now, I'd only be able to minor in Music and learn music history and perhaps some theory. I want theory, composition, and performing. Very confused. Anybody care to help? How good could I get in three years?

Re: Help!    17:10 on Friday, April 27, 2007          


What do you plan to be when you grow up? This might help you in deciding what you want to do for the whole college-thing...

Re: Help!    14:12 on Saturday, April 28, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by Pastorius

I have no plans. I was never the sort of person to imagine myself in a particular occupation. As long as I'm happy doing something, I'm good. I can imagine myself being happy playing music.


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