piano type

piano type    08:25 on Sunday, August 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hi can anyone advise me because i wanna buy piano but i don`t have experience of pino kinds can anyone tell me what the best kind of piano i shoud buy ?
my e-mail prettyful_butterfly_85@hotmail.com
and thanks a lot

Re: piano type    14:50 on Sunday, August 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

It depends on your tastes.
Now first consider if you`re really serious about buying a piano and using it. Not just as a coffee table.
Asian pianos (Yamaha, Young Chang, etc.) tend to sound bright, but lots of them are [cough] cheap pieces of crap [cough]. American pianos (Steinway*, Baldwin, etc.) are pretty much what you hear in piano CD`s because just about everyone uses American pianos. European pianos (Steinway*, Bösendorfer, Bechstein, etc.) are varied greatly. They have their own unique sound, but they all still sound like pianos.
If you need to pick a piano, try it before you buy it. Remember that you`ll have to hear that sound every time you press the keys down so if you choose a sound you don`t like, you`re screwed. Furthermore, don`t choose a piano just because everybody else has that one. (Don`t just look at Steinway or some big name and not look at little names.)

*Steinway has a New York factory and a Hamburg factory.

Re: piano type    18:36 on Sunday, August 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Nyer, I`ve been thinking of getting myself a piano as well lately, and I`ve done some research, which basically narrows down to 2 things:
a) the best grand pianos are Steinway
b) The best upright pianos are Walters and Petroffs (sorry if I misspelt it).
Of course, you don`t have to trust my judgement, but it`s somethng I got from a professional pianists` board, so I`m sure they know what they`re talking about...
One thing you should never, ever even think of getting is a synthesiser, no matter how realistic it sounds. I have a Korg concert piano and I can honestly say that it`s a piece of shit. I regret ever letting my parents getting one... Now I`m working on placing an ad in a newspaper and getting a second-hand instrument, which reminds me...
If you want a good, mellow-ish sound (anything pleasant, really), consider getting an old and used piano (in good condition, of course), since new ones tend to sound a little worse than their fellow oldies.

Re: piano type    23:51 on Sunday, August 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Yup, it seems like Steinway makes the best grand pianos, but you might come across a piece of crap of a Steinway once in a while (most likely not Steinway`s fault.)

Another thing you should think about is who is going to tune your piano. Some tuners are good at tuning one piano but not another. Different tuning techniques result in different timbres of the piano.

Re: piano type    13:02 on Tuesday, August 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i would say th`t the best grand piano is a Mason and Hamilon, heaps expensive though. koler and campbell`s a`e pretty good

Re: piano type    07:26 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

The only problem you will find with the grand piano is that they are not as easy to tune as an upright piano. They would probably cost alot to tune in because of it unless you can um......tune it yourself. Ever since i was little i wanted a grand piano but mum always said no cause they are not easy to tune and would cost too much unless you found a decent one with a really god bargain.

Re: piano type    23:20 on Saturday, August 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`d go for Steinway or Baldwin, I have a Baldwin grand and I love its sound!! I still wish I had a Steinway grand but I could barely afford the Baldwin but I`m still happy with mine even though its not a Steinway Plus I get to play one of those during my lessons hehehe


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