Double Stroke Roll Problems

Double Stroke Roll Problems    00:54 on Sunday, April 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Everyone keeps telling me that I need to keep my pinkies on the stick, but if I do that, the second note doesn`t happen. My pikies just stop the roll from happening. How do I get it to work while still keeping my pikies on the stick? Thanks.

Re: Double Stroke Roll Problems    18:27 on Monday, May 2, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey bud,
This is kind of hard to explain, but I`ll give it a go anyways... In rudimental marching drumming, you ideally don`t want the diddle, or second note, to "fall in" or "bounce in". You want to actually play the 2nd note with your fingers (or at least help it out), kind of like you would when playing a paradiddle pattern.

hope that helps!


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