Anyone in the Denver, CO area?

Anyone in the Denver, CO area?    22:28 on Saturday, December 17, 2005          
(The Inactivists)
Posted by Archived posts


We are the Inactivists. Our sax/clarinet/accordion guy is moving back to Portland - and we need something to fill the void. While it would be nice to find someone who could play all (or any) of the above instruments, that`s not really necessary (or likely). We could use almost anything... viola, vibes, trombone, bass flute, steel drums, pedal steel. Who knows? We`ve already got a theremin and a ukulele.

As for what kind of music we make. It`s hard to describe. It`s kind of like rock. Or something. If you go to there are some MP3s up, that might give you a better idea.

But if you`re interested (or know someone who might be) drop us a line at


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