Need Help (Bass Drum) ---

Need Help (Bass Drum) ---    19:54 on Friday, March 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m in the Atlanta area, and I am DESPERATELY in need of someone willing to give private lessons over the summer for the bass drum. I`m planning to audition for marching band next year, and I need to be taught the basics, from scratch (playing, marching, carrying the drum, reading music, etc.)

If anyone is willing or knows where I can get more information about private lessons for the bass drum, please let me know.


Re: Need Help (Bass Drum) ---    16:20 on Saturday, April 17, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hey, i cant help you get lessons and i dont really know your style of marching but i can give you some tips on how to play marching bass. (Know this: all these tips are from The bands of Indiana your style may call for different technique)
First thing is first, holding the stick. To properly hold a base drum mallet you are basically giving the "thumbs up". When you do this the mallet should be wraped by your four fingers and your thumb should be pressed against the shaft. Now approaching your bass drum. you first need to have it on and then find the center of your drum. (this is hard at first but it is simply muscle memory) Theoretically if you have it harnessed right then you should be able to bring your elbows to a 90 degree angle and you should be close to the center(ask a buddy to help you find it)
These is where the big differences come in stylistically. Here in Indiana when you are playing bass you simply twist your forearm to strike the drum. To get dynamic changes you move closer to the rim for softer sounds, closer to the center for loud. In this technique the muscle you are really building is your forearm muscles. You should be able to feel them, especailly when doing diddles. My suggestion to you is try to apply these the best that you can and ask someone in your line if they can help you on the specifics. Remember this is according to Indiana standards.

Kevin, Drumline captian, bass drum section leader for Jeffersonville HS.


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