Slow Slow REading

Slow Slow REading    23:29 on Wednesday, March 14, 2007          

(39 points)
Posted by kuzmiich

hello. I can read some music but im really really slow and i suck at it. Does anyone have any reccomindations to how to speed up or some web site to learn to read it. I get lessons with a friend and he is really fast at reading it and i slow everybody down. Help Please
Thank you

Re: Slow Slow REading    20:41 on Friday, March 16, 2007          

(61 points)
Posted by matchbox128

hey if u got a book with all the notes music ECT just get that an studie it realy hard like every day.

Re: Slow Slow REading    21:24 on Sunday, March 18, 2007          

(49 points)
Posted by saxman13

Play a game with yourself. Like have your friend point at a note and have you say it within a time limit. Start out with easy notes and then harder then speed up your time limit. Once you get really good at that try saying the notename and like 4th line D or second space F or above the staff G within a time limit. Thats what my band directors did for me to learn the notes.

Re: Slow Slow REading    21:27 on Tuesday, March 20, 2007          

(180 points)
Posted by cjbass

Don't worry playing it slowly is the best thing you can do, I saw an interview with YoYo Ma talking about working on a new piece, when he first gets it it takes him forever to finish playing it the first time because he plays it painfully slow, and then just gradually works it up to speed. I find when we try to start playing fast we can easily miss things like articulation and correct rhythm. When you can play it slow perfectly then move your metronome up a notch. You will eventually get things up to speed.

Re: Slow Slow REading    00:35 on Wednesday, March 21, 2007          

(39 points)
Posted by kuzmiich

Thank you very much, I'm now trying to count the beats in my head to get the notes the right length and i can't do two things at once so i kinda guess. Anything i can do to help me??/


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