Sugestions for Learning

Sugestions for Learning    13:46 on Thursday, December 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

When I first started playing about 3months ago I was esaily motivated because everything was new and a challenge, but now that I`m over my learning curve I find it hard to be motivated again. I really want to learn and to play pro but I fear that I feel a certain bordom when I practice. What should I do?

(P.S. I have another topic about Tenors vs. Altos, Please help me there)

Re: Sugestions for Learning    13:56 on Thursday, December 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Surely you have not learned all there is so quickly. Ihave played for 32 years and learn every day. Try this website they have a lot of different scales and taching aids if you really want to be a Professional musician good luck.

Re: Sugestions for Learning    13:59 on Thursday, December 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

It`s not that I`ve learned everything, not even close. But it`s just getting to the point where its all slow moving without exciting challenges. Thanks for the website, I just checked it out it looks great.

Re: Sugestions for Learning    05:37 on Friday, December 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Do you have anyone to jam with? as it can be boring learning on your own. Try playing with people of mixed abilities, it can be amazing what little things you will pick up from other players of all abitities, and of course vise-versa.
What type of music are you playing? Jazz, Funk, Blues, Orchestral? If you really want to stretch your limitations, how about playing music composed before the saxophone was invented? Some of it is near impossible to make sound good on a sax, and therefore a good challenge.

Re: Sugestions for Learning    08:59 on Friday, December 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

what got me motivated again was listening to songs that i liked, finding the sheet music, and playing the song.


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 Newer: Suggest me best video tracks of sax

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