having problems with saliva

having problems with saliva    13:31 on Wednesday, October 5, 2011          

(12 points)
Posted by WNeufrau

I started with my singing lessons this year. I'm now studying A. Scarlatti's O cessate di piagarmi for a while, and have big problems with swallowing saliva. At the end of reprisa I just find my mouth so ful of it and it spoils my voice. Does anybody knows what should I do?
Thanks for your help and answers

p.s.: sorry for grammatical mistakes...

Re: having problems with saliva    18:03 on Wednesday, October 5, 2011          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

I have often heard people say the extra saliva is a reuslt of nervousness. Personally I always thought it was moving your mouth so much to say some of those words makes your body think you're eating. But I have also heard that some teachers believe it is a result of acid reflux (from signing).

Nerves - if it is a result of nerves it will eventually lessen. Many say to breathe more through your mouth to help dry it out. When I sing that's the only placce I breathe from/through.

Acid Reflux - some people have acid reflux and as a result the body will naturally produce more saliva to help neutralize the acid coming up your esophagus. Some people only generate an acid relux response when they sing because of the way they try to support their tone. If acid relux is the culprit you can take a medicine like Prilosec (over the counter)and see if that helps. IF it is only when you sing you might try changing the way you support your tone.In my opinion 90% of music teachers teach support incorrectly.

Eating Motion - if the saliva is a result of mouth movement tricking your body into thinking you're eating there is very little you can do to stop it. However, you might be able to reduce your need to swallow. A lot of saliva can be disposed of without swallowing. When you head and neck are in a proper alignment most of the saliva should drain quickly without you even noticing it. I have found many singers who actually compress their neck together when they sing and jut the bottom of their head forward as much as 4 inches. If you are doing either of these yoru saliva will not drain. When you sing see if your neck is pushing forward or if your cervial discs are pulling slightly backwards.

Re: having problems with saliva    08:13 on Thursday, October 6, 2011          

(12 points)
Posted by WNeufrau

thank you for your answer
My problem is probably wrong positon of head or neck. I'll try to abide your instructions and see if it helps.



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