Conn 14D for sale!!!!

Conn 14D for sale!!!!    10:53 on Sunday, July 25, 2010          

(1 point)
Posted by RockinRobin711

Sadly after six years of having my good old conn 14D, I must sell it to help my parents with financial problems. So far I have had no luck and then I thought I should try a forum where I am almost guaranteed to sell it to someone who will continue to use it to its full potential! It is in great playing condition, cosmetic condition is good. I has a few MINOR dents here and there, definantly nothing that will interfere with the sound. There are two spots where the lacker is missing, but the biggest spot is only about an inch by half an inch wide. There are scratches inside the bell, but only four that are very noticable. If you have any questions or are interested, email me at or send me a message here. PLEASE!! REALLY HAVE TO SELL THE HORN!! ONLY LOOKING FOR ABOUT A QUARTER OF THE RETAIL PRICE!!


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