GC    21:22 on Monday, October 25, 2004          
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it comes on at 4.30 or 5.30 of the bonus track

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    23:47 on Thursday, October 28, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I saw lola ray in concert wiht SUM 41 and good charlotte. THEY WERE AWESOME! and james mcivor is really hot!

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    12:33 on Friday, October 29, 2004          
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Lola Ray kicks ass!!! I just saw them last night at UCI playing with Good Charlotte, Sum 41, and Hazen street. I didnt even know who they were and honestly was just hoping theyd hurry up and finish so GC could come on, but when they got up there they rocked the place. I love how they move, and how the lead guitarist is so funny. Overall they were amazing and i think im gonna have to go get their cd today!!

Bad ass concert at Universal Amphitheater    14:21 on Tuesday, November 2, 2004          
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I was amazed. I didn`t know`em, but I do now. Gotta love it when the lead singer gets all spazzy. They`re into it, which is alllways good. The backup guitarist had the freddy mercury mustachio down. Music was fresh, and I must say, sounded SUBSTANTIALLY better than the studio recordings I heard on their site just now. That`s the case with a lot of bands, prompting me to ask: "why not record all your concerts and release the best live ones for free!!"

Go Lola, you guys have a future in music.

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    17:31 on Tuesday, November 2, 2004          
(J to the orden)
Posted by Archived posts

Ok first Lola Ray is the cool new band that has the most variety of styles of music on thier CD. But the songs that are the best are Plauge One By One and Automatic Girl if Lola Ray Ran for president i`d vote for them

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    15:22 on Wednesday, November 3, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

dude LoLa Ray rocks i saw them last week in san jose they are hella good i love their cd what it feels like is one of my favorites song on there all the songs are good....they all seem like cool guys

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    12:16 on Friday, November 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

i saw them in sacramento with good charlotte and sum 41...they were the opening band and i thought they were awseome..they were really into their music and brian and john are hot.

Killer band    02:50 on Monday, November 8, 2004          
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I saw them with good charlotte...they were killer...James is a hottie. Anyway just wanted to say i love them and they`re gonna go big.

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    19:23 on Wednesday, November 10, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

MAN! LOLA RAY WAS THE SHI*!!i saw them at the aragon theature in chicago w/ good charlotte,hazen street, and sum 41!!! OMG THEY WERE AWESOME!!!! and afta they played, alex signed my shoe! and like i got a picture w/ him, and he wiped his sweat on me (intentionally)! man they were AWESOME and i want their cd.....and i am goin shoppin so u can guess where I am goin! but yea i lurve them! PEACE AND WE OUTTIE!

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    20:56 on Friday, November 19, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I just saw Lola Ray in concert with GC and Sum 41. They totally rocked and I just got their cd. I suggest that everyone get it. It is totally tripp!

ps who else would like to bang james?

last night at the gc concert    09:59 on Tuesday, November 23, 2004          
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ME AND MY FRIENDS LOVE JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if your reading this we were the four girls that were screaming the most for lola ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Lola Ray.. feedback please.    04:58 on Monday, December 20, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

The main talent in LoLa Ray is the lead singer. He wrote all the songs and music for his band.

lola ray    23:56 on Monday, December 20, 2004          
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My friend and I just saw Lola Ray and Lost Prophets @ the House of Blues in Cleveland....actually that was my first time hearing them. Anyways, the music WAY fresh, those boys can rock. Lost Prophets were awesome too...as usually!

Lola-Ray    23:57 on Monday, December 20, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

i saw lola ray w/the lost prophets last weekend, and it was KICK ASS......and yea i can way agree that james is way hott, but i got one up on you guys, he called my best friend and talked to her, yea no more words, we win

james is my sexy bisotch!    17:09 on Tuesday, December 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

i am officially addicted to lola ray! i saw them at the GC/Sum 41 concert and they blew me away!! they rock so bad! james is so hot! and thank you for clearing the whole james plays bass thing up(i love him).


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