No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?

No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    23:53 on Wednesday, February 13, 2008          

(8 points)
Posted by hoagiedudeman

I am a fan of the punk era and the grunge era. I love the early 90s scene, and I loved the punk scene. I am a huge fan of The Velvet Underground, the Stooges, Nirvana, Alice In Chains, the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, the Dead Kennedys, Crass, the Melvins, Sonic Youth, the Jesus Lizard, a lot of punk/indie/grunge bands. I cannot, for the life of me, find a band or scene that I can identify with now. I hate the attitude of emo, I cannot listen to it. The vocals just make me want to punch someone, to me, it just sound like they're whining. I loved Rage Against the Machine, and that's really the last "new band" I liked at all. All these bands that dress in tapered jeans and tight shirts and pants, with the dyed black hair that slants down their face, I just can't like it. It's not rock to me. Rock to me, is about being punk. Rock is punk. The first wave of punk was Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Buddy Holly. They raged against the crooning pop, and took up the power of rock. I can't find that energy in the new emo "scene." I watch the boob tube every once in a while, FUSE or MTV or something, and everything I find that they say is "rock" music, I just can't like it. Does anyone know of any music that I will like? I can't handle this horrible stuff. I mean, the Foo Fighters are good, Seether is decent, but there's nothing else. There's nothing in between emo and metal. There used to be a happy medium, I can't find one now. I can go to metal, or I can go to emo. ARE THERE ANY OTHER OPTIONS?!?!? Please help me...

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    08:05 on Friday, February 15, 2008          

(13 points)
Posted by jester1

you are one of those deeply troubled music lovers aren't you?
it is never wrong to question such thoughts, though you do come across as intelligent and deeply insightful.
your profile picture says a lot about how you feel doesn't it?
you are torn between anger and disappointment.the answer is that your standards are exeding your expectations to other minimal creations.
if you are ever to be free from disappointment, then sit down and listen carefully to the core message of the creation.
if you still have the same emotions as before, are not listening...try again, and if that doesn't work...blame it on the bands that set the bar too high.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    22:34 on Friday, February 15, 2008          

(175 points)
Posted by theholytaco

Don't be so judgemental, save it for people who care. You can't say the bar is set too high, that like saying 1/3 of American aren't fat, people just used to be abnormally skinny. People made great music in the past, why can't we make it now?

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    23:48 on Friday, February 15, 2008          

(13 points)
Posted by jester1

i think all should care for my judgments, as i care for yours.
my questions and answers come deep from my love for this, dare i say, rebellious activity.
might i add that your replies are always deeply honest, and for that i shall not be offended.
you stated that..."People made great music in the past, why can't we make it now?"
that's a sincere question, but why the spitting and hostility?
in all honesty, i think the mind chooses to shun uniqueness and absorbs the everyday mentality for fear that the socially unacceptable...shall not be accepted.
if a group of musically gifted individuals
were to attempt to create, let's say for arguments sake, an album like that of queen, and it was not successful...who would you blame? is it the lyricist? the song writer? the GUITAR riff? the sound of the music being ravished? or, do you blame yourself for not allowing your emotions to be indulged by such a creation?
so many questions, so many questions go into this highly fragile art form

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    15:42 on Saturday, February 16, 2008          

(175 points)
Posted by theholytaco

If the music was unsuccessful I would most likely blame the group dynamic. If they are all gifted. Also I think that one problem with so much music is that people are trying to emulate too much instead of making their own music, that is very hard to do.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    20:04 on Sunday, February 17, 2008          

(8 points)
Posted by hoagiedudeman

"blame it on the bands that set the bar too high."

I will never blame bands for being too good, but you misjudge me. I do not expect bands to play to my tastes, to be as amazing as I think Nirvana is. I simply do not like the sound they are putting out. I'm not saying the bands aren't talented, I'm not saying the bands aren't original, I simply do not like the music. The title of this thread says "No Good Music" but that's only to my tastes. I do not want to press my opinion on anyone. I'm not saying all new music sucks. I'm asking the intelligent people of the internet (which is debatable I guess, the intelligence part) if they can steer me in any musical direction, to something I can like and listen to. In my opinion, I think the music nowadays is shallow, I cannot identify with it, I can't listen to it, as I said before. Based on my previous description of musical tastes, can anyone steer me in a musical direction?

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    04:42 on Monday, February 18, 2008          

(175 points)
Posted by theholytaco

Who else do you listen to besides Nirvana, maybe I can help you out.


NVM, I just re-read the original post. I'll come back later with some ideas for you.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    08:48 on Monday, February 18, 2008          

(13 points)
Posted by jester1

"If the music was unsuccessful I would most likely blame the group dynamic.
If they are all gifted."

why yes!
that is it my fellow posters!the code has been cracked!you sir are a breeze.
such insight, such rawness in your deeply honest replies.your dissection of points.
individuality is key, although some musicians love to play it safe and imitate the richness of a previously successful band.
now i am going to share a secret with whom ever may read this...or even give a donkey's testicle...what one creates, echoes in history.
whether bad or good, only the great shall be remembered, and the true juggernauts shall be worshiped.

and to my dilemma swarmed poster, whose name i cannot clearly make out, i shall admit to judging you sir, i apologize, and no band can ever play to even my specific tastes either.
my love for all music that is charged by a GUITAR is a weakness, so that is why i can never dislike this art form on any level.
might i suggest ACID BATH...a short lived band of pure gem infested darkness.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    21:39 on Monday, February 18, 2008          

(175 points)
Posted by theholytaco

The reason I became a musician was so that I could cater to my "specific tastes." Nobody can ever find the sound you're looking for perfectly, that's why you have to search for yourself.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    10:28 on Tuesday, February 19, 2008          

(13 points)
Posted by jester1

correct, it can never be done.even the tune you adore can further be adorned.i think that in turn of your creating music to cater to your specific taste is daughter tells me that i am far too old for melodies played with an electric guitar, but that is her opinion, not mine. she also tells me to post on the classical music section...because of my love for love is the are a musician i see, so your opinions have my highest admiration, but tell me this...why is one's taste in musicals so selfish that it reaps no feeling toward newer band material?

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    01:22 on Saturday, February 23, 2008          

(175 points)
Posted by theholytaco

I agree, independent music is much more deep, generally. It takes a very strong musician to survive the music business with there dreams intact. The industry distorts the music they want to put out to make it a commodity to be bought and sold. It is sad to see that happen, but it happens. Every so often somebody will break through and share their soul through mainstream music, but it is much easier to do in independent music.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    17:22 on Thursday, April 24, 2008          

(1 point)
Posted by icarus420

well if you were into bush, not exactly seattle grunge but close, the lead singer Gavin started a new band called institute. they are a little heaver than Bush but they are good. as for other stuff... i agree there isnt much out there for those of us who love the 90's grunge sound.

Re: No Good Music (or just really hard to find)?    20:43 on Thursday, June 5, 2008          

(4 points)
Posted by wassup0101

Dude, you are not definitely not the only one who feels alienated from rock music now. All my friends at my school, including myself, feel like rock music has taken a turn for the worst, and pray for the day are rock saviour will come.


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