A beginner`s guide to classical music

A beginner`s guide to classical music    01:46 on Monday, November 12, 2018          

(9 points)
Posted by Bansisingh

A request to help a newbie (me).

I always wanted to get into classical music, but where should one start? I see this partly as education. What does one have to know? What are the must haves? What do I have to be looking for in terms of who is playing the music (certain orchestras).

Currently I am thinking about Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner but feel somehow reluctant to buy a random CD of one of those. Anyone willing to give me an introduction to classical music?


Re: A beginner`s guide to classical music    10:07 on Sunday, January 6, 2019          

(30 points)
Posted by SamsMusic

How about getting a textbook like Roger Kamien's Music - An Appreciation, and from there you can get an idea what pieces you can listen to (you can easily find any classical pieces on youtube or spotify)

Re: A beginner`s guide to classical music    05:00 on Saturday, January 12, 2019          

(660 points)
Posted by Scotch

Re: "I always wanted to get into classical music, but where should one start? I see this partly as education. What does one have to know?"

If you mean "get into" as a listener (rather than as a player), you don't have to know anything. Just listen.

Re: "Currently I am thinking about Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner but feel somehow reluctant to buy a random CD of one of those."

Start with the real thing: attend a concert. See your local symphony. (Recordings are only facsimiles of music.)

Re: A beginner`s guide to classical music    04:28 on Wednesday, January 30, 2019          

(9 points)
Posted by JasonHoll

If you are taking classical music as a part of education then a professional classical music teacher can help you better.


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