Charles K Harris - After the Ball
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About 'After the Ball'

One of the most successful songs in Tin Pan Alley History - selling over 2 million copies of the sheet music in 1892

After the Ball
(Charles K. Harris)

A little maiden climbed an old man's knee
Begged for a story, "Do, uncle, please!"
Why are you single? Why live alone?
Have you no babies? Have you no home?"
"I had a sweetheart, years, years ago
Where she is now, pet, you will soon know.
List to the story, I'll tell it all
I believ'd her faithless, after the ball."

cho: After the ball is over,
After the break of morn,
After the dancers' leaving
After the stars are gone;
Many a heart is aching
If you could read them all
Many the hopes that have vanished
After the ball.

Bright lights were flashing in the grand ballroom
Softly the music playing sweet tunes;
There came my sweetheart, my love, my own,
"I wish some water, leave me alone."
When I returned, dear, there stood a man
Kissing my sweetheart, as lovers can.
Down fell the glass, pet, broken, that's all
Just as my heart was, after the ball.

Long years have passed, child, I've never wed
True to my lost love, though she is dead.
She tried to tell me, tried to explain
I would not listen, pleadings were vain.
One day a letter came from that man,
He was her brother, the letter ran;
That's why I'm lonely, no home at all
I broke her heart, pet, after the ball.
Score Key:
Bb major (Sounding Pitch) (View more Bb major Music for Voice )
Tempo Marking:
One in a bar .=56
Time Signature:
3/4 (View more 3/4 Music)
Number of Pages:
Intermediate Level: Recommended for Intermediate Level players
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